Tuesday, January 30, 2007

The Right Tool?

I am watching one of the great car movies: The Fast and the Furious. And in the scene where Brian drops off the Supra at Torretos shop an amusing thing happens.
Dom-"If you can't find the right tool in this garage, Mr. Arizona, you don't belong near a car."
And while he says that he shakes a crowbar/wrecking bar at Brian.

A WRECKING BAR. granted I have used one in my own garage on rare occasion but that is just too funny. I doubt many people have wrecking bars in their garage to begin with!!

Along the same lines is a rather amusing add from when the Saturn Ion Red-Line was just released that featured a picture of a "car-guy" standing in front of a peg-board wall with a jumble of tool outlines on it. In the "guy's" hand is an adjustable crescent wrench. Another of the actual auto enthusiasts anti-tools.
Link To Said Saturn Ad

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