Monday, January 8, 2007

What is modern chivalry?

I was browsing the web, in my usual manner, and after many train-of-thought google searches I came upon this website promoting the author's yet unfinnished book about modern chivalry-here.

I read through most of the short prose he has and then did some of my own reading on the subject. I got to thinking and the end result was that I agreed with his views. True it is an all male kind of thing, but in the end why is that bad? I found one bit on a British site that asked for women's input;

I like it when gentlemen hold the door open for me. I'm sorry, it is sexist, but I like and appreciate that level of courtesy. I don't assume that a man holding the door open for me believes I'm too weak and feeble to do so for myself. In return, all I can promise is I won't let the door slam back in his face (or anybody else's).

I cannot defend this position, so I won't try to. Gents, I appreciate the quandary you are in. But any woman who berates you for your courtesy is:

  • Overreacting
  • Aggressive
  • Rude

So, thank you to all men who have extended this courtesy to me in the past, and may it continue!

I know that in a discussion of personal beliefs there is no right and wrong, but I do believe the base ideals behind this should matter to people.
Chivalry spells out certain ethical standards that are needed to foster the development of manhood. Men are called to be: truthful, loyal, courteous to others, helpmates to women, supporters of justice, and defenders of the weak. They are also expected to avoid scandal.
That is it in a nutshell. But shouldn't these standards be standard? I certainly wish they were!! and not just in men, in EVERYBODY. truth, loyalty, justice...sounds a bit like some documants involving the phrase "our forefathers," right?

What the site says on a grander scale is that a base key to solving problems is understanding and respecting yourself and then doing the same to ALL persons you encounter in your daily doings. That sounds pretty damn good to me. I end this repetative post with the book's author's closing words.
We often take who we are for granted—as if our beliefs and behaviors are fixed in stone. The truth is that we are creatures constantly in the making. We either move forward in our development, or backwards. Staying still is the same as going backwards. Why? Because the movement of time never holds still. We either progress with it, or are left behind.


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