Tuesday, November 4, 2014

A motorsports argument

So I recently posted a fantastic in-car video from a Scottish rally team, and the associates article thought this video represented that rally is still alive. My Facebook post of the video led to some guy I don't know writing several long winded responses basically saying, in typical american rally style, "you are just an ignorant jerk because I have been volunteering for years and therefore know everything rally related"

*sigh* Another fanboy for the ages.

Most people don't know my personality so they misplace my cynicism for some kind of actual anger or dislike of what I post about on line. This is an assumption of course. In this case rally is my favorite form of motor sport and the only one I have any passion for, but that does not change the factors that I believe point out a decline in the sport.

all you have to do is look around the Internets for a while and you can find numbers that agree with my opinion:

British world rally viewership so low they don't televise any more.
This article ,from 2013 , has the last significant viewing numbers as 300,000 in 2007. And no television carrier at all for 2013.

F1 viewership down but still better than rally!
This post states 681000 viewers of the actual event coverage of the Chinese F1 race, and claims 3.55m total viewers.

Doesn't look to promising to me. The Chinese article even comments on how these are the lowest numbers since 2007, with continual decline each year.

Meanwhile over on social media, the main of all smart phone users, the numbers are slightly different:

WRC, 1.7m likes
F1, 1.6m likes
Meanwhile Rally America has 1778 likes
Or the Williston Vermont rally-america has 27k likes.

NASCAR, 4.4m likes
Nfl , 11m likes
fIFA world cup, 40m likes

While in Facebook I also looked up these:
Targa Newfoundland, 7910 likes
Pikes Peak hill climb, 73k likes
the SEMA show, 179k likes
Bill caswell, 50k likes
David Higgins(athlete), 4519

And on and on it goes. I admit that this is just a snapshot, and not the prediction of doom and gloom that i talk about, but I definitely feel that this is justification of my prediction without even talking about the years I have spent "on the ground" with rallyists all over the Midwest.

Okay, rant done. Time to get up, make breakfast, and go to the SEMA show. Because racecar.

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