Saturday, February 10, 2007

So a celebrity died this week...

and I honeslty didn't think much of it. I felt the pangs of death at a younger age but no sentiments over somebody I never met and do not envy very much. I frequently scoff at celebrity figures and they way they act or operate. I think they are so far removed from reality in their own little bubbles that there is no coorelation between them and "normal" people such as myself.
I came across this blog post and it seems to about sum up my feelings on the subject:
"Mirathon: ANS dead at 39"
The one person in this whole bit the really, authentically, and wholeheartedly deserve good prayers and best luck is her daughter. I am the son of divorced parents and that was dificult enough...I can't even comprehend what the future holds in store for that girl; But I wish her the best and hope she can perhaps salvage some sort of reality better than her parents (whoever they end up being).
so best wishes to you, Dannielynn, for leading a life more stable than that of your parents.

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