Tuesday, February 6, 2007

Red Bull isn't as bad as it used to be...

Well...after discovering the disaster zone which is my BMW this weekend, work on the Jeep projects has increased many-fold. The short of the Bimmer story is that after the -30F temps of this weekend when I did not drive my car anywhere, the entire coolant system appears to be frozen solid and possibly have wreaked more extensive damage than just the radiator holes increasing...more on that at a later date when I have the Bimmer in a less windy garage than my driveway.

About the Red Bull-
After sunday nights Jager-bombing there was still a case of RedBull left over. So I took it home for later use. When Monday rolled around and I needed to work on the Jeeps I thought "hey, I could use a little ambition" TA-DA: RedBull.

I recall days past when RedBull was the new and cool thing to drink and I thought it tasted horrible. Now these many years later I have grown to rather enjoy the taste. With so many highly caffinated, rediculously named, self labeled energy drinks on the market it is nice to be able to enjoy the Original. (...which would be coffee of course, or that drink in the black can with the jaguar on it that always boasted abou the guarana, which sounds like guano to me) Oh the humorous fun!

On the Jeep note- the replacement engine is out of the cherokee and nearly ready to be put back into a Comanche. A couple more bits and pieces from NAPA and an exhaust once its all bolted in and it should be golden....for at least once off-road excursion. Total budget spent to date- way to much...somewhere approaching the $800 range I believe.

-G :)

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