Sunday, May 11, 2014

Bikes galore!

Ah yes, spring is upon us! Weather is war!er and wet, with green grass budding leaves, and rising Rivers!
The air is also alive with sound of uber load road cruisers. Fags! (South park? Anyone?)
Leann just passed her BRC1 THIS WEEKEND SO I FIGURED I BETTER get the ol Suzuki gs500e running again. Surprisingly it did start without too much tinkering, but it also decided to leak gas out the intake. Rascals. I knew the carbs were in decent shape since I had re-jetted them thus winter. A glance around the interwebs pointed me to the rewiring of the ignition coils.
Luckily I happen to have so wiring from work that I had planned to use for the lichtbars on the truck, but I had an extra relay and fuse holder that got donated to the bike. An hour of teardown and reassemble, and maybe an hour of studying wiring diagrams and looking over the bike and sure enough it runs!!
If course I was working on my own this weekend so I don't have any pictures to share. Just ask if you want some details about it!
Afterwards I suited up and took it out for a spin. Ran alright, though the clutch is a bit janky still. It will be next I suppose!

Cheers! :)

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