Tuesday, November 4, 2008

How I voted today

Today was some big election deal. President or some such. So to show what side I supported; I "cast my vote" as such:

Today I bought a little cheap piece of plastic crap directly from China. The way I see it- no matter who gets elected tonight our bubbles of international economy or going to come crashing down fairly soon, so to celebrate my born capitalism, I bought something direct from China. My way of saying- fuck you Mr. President, I couldn't give a shit less about who you are as long as I can get cheap shit made by somebody else. I feel that that vocalizes most America's (that I know) philosophy about today.

Now I'm going to go back to work and await the arrival of my new gold plated cell phone, cause that's the way I roll.

Oh, and I also voted at Toppers by ordering a 1 large bacon pizza, 1 large pepperoni pizza, and 1 triple order of Toppersticks. so Ha!

-g :)

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