Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Buses, AGAIN!!

the DNT, the largest paper in the Twin Ports I believe, has some of the worst reporting of any "news" source. But today there was a an example that shows that the reporting really is onlyl as good as the people being reported on. You avid readers may recall my article about the DTA's hybrid bus plans? This is down the similar line only this time it is the local school districts! Young childrens education is on the line!

The the article, in short, says "OMG, Diesel is like so expensive! We like can't even afford it anymore. Like shit." But there are a few real gems in the article that I will quote.

"The District has dropped three bus routes and bought several larger school buses to conslidate longer routes..."
WTF!? they are bitching and moaning about how they cannot justify additional cost on fuel, and then turn around and PURCHASE NEW BUSES!? WTF. I am still waiting for information from BlueBird as to how much new buses actually cost (info left out of the DNT article) but i'm guessing $75k+ each. so they increased their fuel budget by $140,000 (from the article) AND spent $200,000+ on new buses (maybe three new beautys?)

" "I don't know how to get around it" said Phil Minkkinen, superintendent of Lake Superior School District"
No shit. Thats because you can't "go around it" its called baseline cost of operations. If you can't even cover that you better not be worrying about how many teachers you can "afford"!!

" "We're still banking that we're going to be OK..." Phil Minkkinen"
WHAT!? The superintendent of a school district is "BANKING" with childrens education!? are you serious? That is the same as saying that he is gambling with their education, which is a Huge no-no in my morality book.

More of the article goe sinto the "ways the school districts were trying to cot transportation costs."
4 day weeks with longer days.
Eliminating the "two tier" bussing whereby the buses make TWO passes on the same route for some kind of accomidating for age differences. WTF is that??? PC bullshit is what that is. So kid got his lunch money stolen back in the day and now they have to spend $140,000 a year because of that?? Who came up with that solutioin!? Some shiester lawyer I suppose.

So yea, good job Northwoods school districts on completely missing the target; childrens education, and fucking up your supposed target; better fuel efficiency.

I might post more later when I get word from bluebird.

-G :)

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