Thursday, October 18, 2007

May the car Gods SMITE the moron!

oh pitiful misery of disaster. May you call on "GLI_ryan" and smite him badly for being such a stupid guy.

So, after a massive injection of money into the E30 prerunner project car; I broke 4 rocker arms and bent at least 4 valves in the head. So obviously I had to find out what went wrong. I discovered the timing marks were off, and after I thought about it I realized they had moved since I first tried to change the timing belt.

and tonight i finally discovered what happened this whole time. There was no key holding the timing gear to the crank. Seriously; that is the stupidest thing EVAR!! It hadn't fell out (they can't) and there was zero evidence of there having been a key in the correct slot any time in the recent past. Gawd I just want to drive up to Duluth and smack that kid for overlooking something that important and then selling it to me! (or maybe I should smack myself for buying the car off him when he was obviously a sub-par mechanic)

so, hopfully tomorrow my valve spring tool will arrive and I can rebuild the head and get it all back together some time before next week! in time for Ze Rallye!!! woohooo!!!

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