Thursday, August 30, 2007

The Bike is Alive!!

okay so yesterday I got 4 boxes from the post office...and honestly didn't know what was in them. Turns out they were all motorcycle parts! woohoo!

So I sped home as fast as I could and started re-assmlbing the carbs off my 1980 Kawasaki KZ650B. Things were much better with the assistance of a manual! I rebuilt the accelerator pump and the vacuum pump thingy next to it, and reassembled everything with new float bowl gaskets. A little silicon on the intake boots and some new gas line and presto: looked like new! almost.

I wheeled the bike out into the driveway and went full choke and a little throttle. Kick 1; sputter sputter. Kick 2; ZZZZZZZZIIIIPPPP zam! 4000rpm idle!! woot. choke down and close the hand thottle and sure enouigh the idle goes down and it doesn't die. I give the throttle a twist and sure enough a roaring sound comes form the exhuast instead of the usual rattling gasping death! YAY!!!

Now I need an idle screw so the damn thing stops dieing every time I close the throttle. Then new tires and a headlight and I might have a usable bike!

I am like so excited! yay.

-G :D

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