Wednesday, September 18, 2013

more work on the Trike

I love chrome polish and fine steel wool. It gives yous so much in exchange for a little elbow grease!
In this picture you can see that the rim does not look to be in very good condition. Now? looks like a charm! It still has pits and spots, but it is very shiny and handsome!

I also have received an email back from Worksman Cycles from my inquiry from them about this trike. Sadly they lost all records before 1965 in a shop fire so do not have anything from before that period. They do believe that it looks like an early model of theirs but nobody who currently works there has any particular knowledge of it.

The bed, which has E-LAB stenciled on the side of it also has the word SWORD painted over on the side, which might be interesting if I had any connection at FMC-NSD to find out what SWORD was, or what it stood for. For those who haven't read the previous post FMC-NSD made armaments, mostly for Navy ships, from WW2 through the 1970s, at which point they were taken over by various companies now composing BAE Systems.
I believe the sticker says Vehicle No. #302

I have also discovered that the front rim is strung to a Bendix Type K hub, and the rear free hub is too rusted to make anything out yet.

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