Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Are you tired of media? I sure am.

First off; my condolences for the families of the deceased from the recent VA Tech incident. The world gets more and more complex every day and it is sad when innocent people get mixed up in it.
Now on to my rant of the day-

What the fuck is wrong with the media? Some people died...innocent or not there are only 32 of them. How many people died that day in Iraq/Afghanistan? How many people died that day from traffic accidents? From AIDS? I am sorry but this media frenzy is totally misplaced and overinflated!

It was a random serial killing. They are only going to get more complex and more devastating as time goes on, people. You better come to grips with that soon. The amazing technologies and social climates that we live in today provide for a ridiculously volatile mental state for nearly everybody and when somebody whose not all there to begin with gets put in that mix things like this shooting are going to happen. I heard a guy on the radio today commenting on how "he was surprised this doesn't happen more often considering the freedoms Americans have," like access to guns&ammo, access to drugs, access to a million things that other people around the world don't have access to.

I hate the media most of the time and this is just another event for them to blow up on. laddy-frickin-da.

-G :/

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