Tuesday, March 13, 2007


I am amazed. I just watched the movie Bullitt for the first time tonight. I thought it was a most amazing movie. Some movies are okay; but they are basically bearable junk. This is one of those movies that are just outstanding because of, not only, the way they are seen on the screen but also they way they are viewed inside yourself. Being a car guy I love the way the cars are so obvious..and yet there is a romantic underlayer that plays with the emotion. A classical good versus evil story line, cutting edge 1968 filming technics, an incredible cast and remarkably good dialogue for movies of the period.

I'll stop there since I can't describe it very well other than to say: Go watch it now.

Tuesday, March 6, 2007

New parts...

well, my recent phone conversation with my mother left me rather down about how quickly my upcoming trip to AZ is! It finally struck me how fast im gona have to work to get the bimmer ready for duty. Luckily my new front apron came today so maybe I can have the front end fixed up by next week some time? That leaves the suspension, and recently assumed water pump, not to mention an oil change and general cleaning. Plus removal of the flasher that seems to be using my reverse lamps as brake lamps. :(

So I ordered a water pump off eBay when I got home...$50 plus a bunch of coolant. Right now I am researching using E30 parts on the steering rack (they are not only cheaper but also a more robust build thanks to BMW not putting polyurethane dampers in the ball joints on E30s) but that will still cost me upwards of $180 plus ANOTHER alignment. so something like $300. UNLESS i decide to get a new steering rack as well which will run an additional $150 for the rack and probably $50 worth of PS fluid and headaches getting it to work correctly.

and the biggest question of it all: can I do it in 3-4 weeks? I honestly don't know. right now the freakin Jeep is still in the garage. I can move it but it would be nice to have THAT done so i can use it while the BMW is appart.

I'm getting rather worked up just writing this...doing the work will shorten my life considerably! LOL
having fun in cyber-autoworld,
Gabe :)

Friday, March 2, 2007

Rally: Canceled. Party: On.

Well as the snow continues here in lovely northern WI, my back hurts from so much shoveling and the rally for this saturday has been postponed.

I spent approximately 2 hours this morning shoveling a maybe 100 foot driveway. by the end I could have been doing it in a T-shirt and there was a small snow bank in my hair. ah so much fun!....NOT

And Scott's Kewenaw TSD is postponed until the 17th...likely due to a lot of people not wanting to brave the elements. I was about to leave when Joe called me to let me know...good timing I guess. Sadly I won't be able to visit Mum this weekend, which i was kind of looking forward to.

There has also been some disturbances in the Arrowhead SCC group lately concerning the season point standings/apointments. They put this Dave Courtwright guy in like 3rd place even though he DNF'd the first rally of the season...rather rediculous. Brian and Joe seem rather up in arms with Tim (the MAN) and I voiced a little concern on the forum as well since I think it is TOTAL bullshit. *shrug* unfortunately I like Tim and everybody and I think they will take it rather personally. which sucks because it makes drama.

anyway thats all for now from up north in snow country Wisco,
-gabe :)