Sunday, August 24, 2008

Rocky start? mebe.

Well..I survived the first night of work last week. Now on to school.
Only two classes tomorrow thank goodness. 8am-10am. So far I have zero books thanks to MSU's rediculous finacial aid setup. The books will be paid for eventually, but for the first couple days it looks like I will have no books. Money is also tight, I have no idea how I last the last 6 months being virtually unemployed. Seems impossible now looking back at it. Definately need to sell the truck as it looks like work is just barely going to cut it for rent. yikes. I had really been banking on one job, one schooling, etc so it would be swell if that would work out.

Wish me luck everybody! Tomorrow I face the music and see where I stack up with a bunch of freshmen! :)


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