HmmVVE Driving
At first I thought what most of these people were saying in the responses; namely that these are some dumbass americans giving the rest of us a bad name. But then I started paying more attention to the details of the video.
1) The hummer is constantly honking it's horn. Assuming this IS an American hummer I would know that the vehicle is not equiped with any sort of emergency lighting (ie- police light bars, ambulance lights, etc...) So if they were actually in a hurry trying to get somewhere or getaway from something the other vehicles would have very little warning other than the sad little horn those GMs have.
2) Everybody on the streets appears to be completely oblivious to a 3-ton, 7 foot wide, camo painted vehicle rushing down the street. Pedestrians, vehicles, even the bus (which doesn't appear to have any mirrors anyway) are completely un-phased by the appearance of the vehicle. As the voice comments towards the end of the video- "There goes a guy just picking his nose; not a fucking care in the world"
Then in the responses the majority of the people insult and belittle the video. It's annoying. My favorite reply is quoted as such:
It is probably about as founded as the anti-american responses but to me it is much happier thought (since I am an American whether I like it or not)
I love reading some of these comments from safe little sissys who have never been to Iraq. To stop, for any reason, is to make yourself an easy target. RPGs and IEDs hit stationary or slow targets more easily than they do ones moving fast, DUH! I led a convoy security team in Iraq. Most Iraqi drivers do there best to get the hell out of your way for two primary reasons. One, they understand your sense of urgency and common sense tells them you are at risk. Two, they do not want to be anywhere near you when some "freedom fighter" as so many of you like to call them, desides to hit you. Because the Iraqis know, unlike most of you, that their "protectors" and "freedom fighters" kill far more of them with their bombs than americans. By the way, how do you call people who threatened voters, tens of millions of them at that, freedom fighters? At this point in the war Iraqis who do not get out of the way are very dumb or part of an ambush. Speed is life. Hairy vag is like most Britts I knew in Iraq. They believed that if only we were more like they were in Basra and Northern Ireland, that is to say more gentle, the locals would love us and the insurgency would go away. These people hated us long before we were in Iraq.
Don't get me wrong- I am not a supporter of "the War" or the bush administration, but I do believe in supoprting people whos lifes are in danger, aka soldiers. They are just doing their job and making a living while trying not to get shot or killed while they are there. Two of my good friends from High School did tours in Iraq with the US Army and neither of them ever want to go back; for them it was one of the most horrible experiences they ever had.
I believe this bumper sticker says it best:
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